• motto@horizonteciudadano.cl
  • +56 2 2359 1655

Artículos Externos de Referencia

Green Mobility Global Road map of Action

The State of Global Air Quality Funding 2021 Report

The Cost Effectiveness of Air Pollution Information Provision Programs

Mitigating Children Exposure to Traffic Pollution (spanish version)

Green and Healthy Streets – C40 Cities

Evaluación del Monitoreo de la Contaminación Atmosférica en Bogotá Colombia

Parques en Ciudades Latinoamericanas

Rutas Caminables Toolkit 2020

Contaminación del Aire por Tráfico Vehicular – Bogotá, Colombia (Greenpeace)

Zona de Calma Toolkit 2020, Uban95, Lima, Perú

Papers de Referencia

Intake Fraction Proofs

Filling the Gaps White Paper Discussion Draft November 2017
CS and Environmenal Education 2018 Turrini et al

Personal exposure to particulate matter in commuters using different transport modes (bus, bicycle, car and subway) in an assigned route in downtown Santiago, Chile

Site Representativeness of Urban Air Monitoring Stations

Performance evaluation of twelve low-cost PM2.5 sensors at an ambient air monitoring site

The Relationship between Economic Growth and Air Pollution
Effects of biodiversity in green roofs and walls on the capture of fine particulate matter

Interventions to reduce ambient air pollution and their effects on health: An T abridged Cochrane systematic review

One year evaluation of three low-cost PM2.5 monitors

World Air Quality Report 2021

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